Reliance English Secondary School (RESS) is located in far eastern region's old historic place of Morang district- Madhumalla, 10 km north from Mahendra Highway. School is established in the initial phase of private boarding schools are licensed by government in Nepal. RESS is struggling to impart the true education in remote area on those days. Now, RESS is well known as an innovative and dedicated school for real practical education to pupils in Madhumalla, Morang for 2 and half decades. RESS is top private boarding school to educate and pass the students in higher percentage and in higher numbers in surrounding areas. Quite big number of students are securing distinction in S.L.C. and marking the noticeable impact in Colleges and Universities.

Our Core Values and Goals

  • Quality Education: Aim at quality education in pursuit of excellence in all fields and life itself.
  • Patriotic & Ethical Values: Propagate patriotic, social, and ethical values for responsive citizenship.
  • Holistic Growth: Ensure physical, mental, and moral growth of the students and instill in them a zest for learning.
  • Broaden Horizons: Enlarge the mental horizons and broaden the outlook of students through training in cooperation, consideration, team spirit, and service.
  • Aesthetic Development: Judiciously arouse their aesthetic sense and inculcate habits of personal as well as social hygiene for a happy and healthy life.
  • Recreational Activities: Assist them to enjoy their leisure through healthy recreational activities, hobbies, and correct reading habits for a lifetime of pleasure and joy.
  • Skill Development: Active participation in social and cultural activities to develop various skills in Creative Art, Craft, Music, and Mental, Physical, and Emotional development of each child.
  • Channelizing Energies: Youthful energies to be properly channeled towards creativity.

The Future Belongs to You, Dear Children

You have, therefore, to prepare yourself for active participation in the world you live in and to have a say in the shaping of the world. Develop yourselves into intelligent, well-informed, and responsible men and women.

  • Excel in Everything: Always remember that there is scope for continuous improvement. Make the best use of the facilities that your home, your school, and your country provide to you.
  • Lead a Planned Life: Inculcate in yourselves the habit of doing things regularly. Don’t leave any work for tomorrow.
  • Study with Discipline: Fix your hours of study at home. Do your home assignments carefully, revise the day's lessons, and prepare yourselves for the next day's lessons.
  • Long-term Benefits: This habit will pay off in the long run.
  • Value Your School Diary: This contains other useful information, which you should note and make proper use of. You must bring your School Diary to school daily without fail and maintain it carefully.
Always remember: "Work is Worship"


  • Be respectful to your parents, teachers, staff of the school, and elderly citizens.
  • i. Be Punctual.    ii. Be neat and clean.     iii. Be humble in your success or victory.
  • Take pride in yourself, your school, your parents, and your Nation.
  • Be courteous. Remember "Thank You" and "Please" are two very good words.
  • Be thankful to God for everything that He has given to you.
  • Be Truthful.
  • Believe in yourself and have courage. Remember, God is with you always and everywhere.


  • Do not cause hurt by your words or deeds.
  • Do not be afraid to speak the truth or accept a mistake.
  • Do not damage or disfigure the properties of your school or at home.
  • Do not use abusive language.
  • Do not look down upon those who are less privileged, weak, or physically challenged.
  • i. Do not ill-treat animals or birds.   ii. Do not be arrogant.   iii. Do not copy or cheat.   iv. Do not steal.
  • Do not mock or ridicule someone's failure.

Forbidden Practices

No student shall indulge in any of the following practices:

  • Use of violence in any form.
  • Sex-related offences.
  • Rude and disorderly behavior.
  • Smoking, use of drugs, or intoxicants.
  • Any form of gambling.
  • Casteism, communalism, and practice of untouchability.
  • Any student found indulging in forbidden practices will be liable to strict disciplinary action.

  1. The students must behave with politeness and show respect towards each and every teacher and staff of the school. They are expected to wish the teacher and staff wherever they meet them. They must behave nicely with their companions too.
  2. Students must maintain discipline of the school strictly. They must maintain silence in and around school premises and speak in low voice. They should never be found violating School rules.
  3. For long absence from school, prior permission must be from the Principal. For every absence, the students should briefly note down the reason in their School Diary duly signed by their parents. Before rejoining the school, he/she must first meet Principal and submit the application, however, grant of leave is absolutely at the Principal's discretion. Leave shall not be granted unless the reason is found genuine.
  4. No students are allowed to go away from school during school hours without prior written application from the parent/guardian stating the genuine reason.
  5. Students must come neat and tidy in their proper school uniform.
  6. No students should bring any book, magazine or any other objectionable article in the school that are against the school's discipline.
  7. Every student must treat school's property with care. Any damage caused to school's property has to be replaced by them.
  8. Students are to maintain classroom discipline. They should listen to the monitor when teacher is not present in the class.
  9. Captains, Vice-Captains, Prefects and Monitors are to perform their duties and responsibilities with utmost sincerity. Any disturbing situation that they find out must be brought to the immediate notice of the teachers or the Principal. All students must co-operate and obey them.
  10. Each and every student must be present in every programs or school's function. Without prior application for leave (from parents/authorized guardian) no one will remain absent in any of the school's events.
  11. Parents / Authorized Guardians are not allowed to see their children during school hours except in cases of an emergency for which permission must be procured from the principal.
  12. Guardians / Parents are not allowed to enter the classrooms or roam inside school's premises.
  13. Principal or the teacher may be interviewed only during visiting time. In case of urgency, to meet teachers, the Principal, prior appointment must be taken.
  14. Fine may be imposed on a student in the following cases:
  • Late attendance.
  • Absence from class without proper application from the parents or guardians.
  • Truancy
  • Willful damage to school's property.
  • Delay in payment of school fees and dues.


Promotion Policy Overview

  • Promotion depends on the child's performance throughout the academic year, not merely on marks scored in the Annual Examination.
  • The Progress Report of the Examination will be handed over to the students after each term. For this, the whole session is divided into four terms. The distribution of marks for each term is as follows:
Term Full Marks % of Scored Marks
First 100 20%
Second 100 20%
Third 100 20%
Fourth 100 20%
  • There will be at least six class tests throughout the year for better preparation in each subject. These tests will be conducted by subject-teachers after the completion of each unit in each subject.
  • If a pupil fails in a class, he/she will not generally be readmitted. If he/she fails for two years consecutively in the same class, he/she will not be allowed to continue for the third year and must leave the school.

Cream shirt with half sleeves and one pocket without flaps and tie-collar, Dark green shorts/pants with two pockets, Black shoes with laces, and Dark green socks without bands.

Cream shirt with half sleeves and one pocket without flaps and tie-collar, House coloured ribbon, Dark green skirts with knife-cut pleats, Black shoes without laces, and Dark green socks without bands.

Girls will wear a white hairband (for short hair).
White shirt and pant/shorts, white canvas-shoes, and white socks without bands.
White shirt, skirt, and ribbon, white canvas-shoes, and white socks without bands.
Dark green pull-over with full sleeves and 'V' neck, Dark green pants or shorts.
Dark green pull-over with full sleeves and 'V' neck, Dark green skirts, and skin-colored leggings.

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